WTB Gothic Defender or Echo Shield
I'd like to get my monk either a gothic defender or an echovald shield.
Must have +10 armor vs fire or slashing damage, other mod doesn't matter much. I prefer higher requirements, since they are cheaper and dont matter much on a monk.
I reserve the right of not buying your shield due to lack of funds or if the second mod is really terrible. Im looking for something around 100k, can go a little bit up. Gothic Defender is higher priority than Echovald Shield, so don't get mad if I refuse your offer of an Echo shield because I got another one for a Gothic Defender.
PM me in game or here, my IGN is Hazel Cheerwhisper.
EDIT: After little research I figured there were no defenders or echo shields with+10 armor against x, so I guess -2/ench will work well enough.
Last edited by Asmo Cursecaster; Jul 07, 2009 at 01:01 AM // 01:01..
Reason: Adding info